Desde los 6 años

    Autor: María Isabel García
    Writer: María Isabel García  Illustrator: Pablo Véliz Storybook focused on the theme of fears "the boogymen", boys and girls live with and how to control them. In a story full of emotions, the author manages in a simp...
    Autor: Thierry Robberecht (belga)
    Writer: Thierry Robberecht (belgian) Illustrator: Estelle Meens   A lie is not important when it is small, thought Lucas, as he blamed his sister for something he had done. However, that “little lie” became an enormous w...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: María José Chible
    Writer: María José Chible Illustrator: Roser Matas  Noah is a dog who, like many, has adventures and experiences worth telling. However, the most significant one is that he was abandoned as a puppy and how he found his adoptiv...
    Autor: Paula Bossio
    Writer and illustrator: Paula Bossio Es desconcertante cuando te das cuenta de que algo es extraño en cada uno de los que te rodean; en la calle, en la escuela y en el parque... A menudo te preguntas por qué son tan raras las personas, ...
    Autor: Karina Macadar
    Writer: Karina Macadar Illustrator: Alex Vivallo   This is the story of a very special parrot that does not like to repeat after you, like other parrots do. He faces multiple problems in school and at the doctor’...
    Autor: Fernanda Arrau
    Compiler: Fernanda Arrau Illustrator: Virginia Donoso An anthology of children’s poetry about animals, divided according to their characteristics. The authors take on the challenge of exploring children's literature, giving u...
    Autor: Sturton, Margaret
    Writer and illustrator: Sturton, Margaret Herbert loves foxes and he made a pair of fake ears to look like them. But his Mom doesn't understand why he can't just be a good rabbit. A book that encourages us to live peacefully and respectfully with ...
    Autor: Carla Infanta Gabor
    Text and illustrations: Carla Infanta Gabor Living the loss of a loved one is a profound experience.that creates a void that is sometimes difficult to fill.My grandmother is no longer it is a light of hope for those who have lost a loved one, it is a delic...
    Autor: Sebastián Infanta
    Writer: Sebastián Infanta Illustrator: Carla Infanta Under the lonely night of the Atacama Desert, four little animals discover that the warmest refuge is their friendship. A tender story that raises awareness about conserv...
    Autor: Fernanda Arrau
    Compiler: Fernanda Arrau Illustrator: Virginia Donoso This book is an invitation to explore the universe and changes in the solar system and in nature through poems that emerge from the collective imagination of national authors of the classical tradition...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: Verónica Gálvez
    Writer: Verónica Gálvez Illustrator: Fernando Pinto Martina is a girl dedicated to taekwondo since she was 5 years old. He always attends all the championships and, because of a planned family trip, he cannot go to a very important one. A do...
    Autor: Paula Bossio
    Writer and illustrator: Paula Bossio Our lives are paths marked with traces intertwined through time, of surprising companions, of laughter but also of absences. Once Upon a Time Maybe, invites us to embrace the encounters, but also to understand the loss...
    Autor: Fernanda Arrau
    Compiler: Fernanda Arrau Illustrator: Andrea Ugarte Children's poetry anthology about traditional as well as current children's games. Includes poems about group and solitary games, games using objects, technology games, and many others that live ...
    Autor: Mariana Ramírez
    Writer: Mariana Ramírez Illustrator: Maritza Piña This is the story of Pete, a simple, peaceful man who every day tries to “row against the current” and be happy with his life. The villagers are surprised by h...
    Autor: Diego Urrejola
    Autor: Diego Urrejola Ilustradora: Daniela Vergara ¿Sabías que en Chile existen marsupiales? ¿Sabías que estas especies están en peligro de existinción, ya que son altamente vulnerables a los cambios en su hábitat que produce la intervención humana y el ca...
    Autor: María de la Luz Uribe
    Writer: María de la Luz Uribe Illustrator: Fernando Krahn Tic and Tac have prepared for a trip, they have taken all the precautions just in case something unexpected happens. With the easy narrative style of Maria de la Luz Uribe, an...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: Virginia Donoso
    Author and illustrator:  Virginia Donoso giggly laughs is a very special book: if you like letters, animals, puns and, above all, if you like to laugh, this alphabet is for you. Laughing laughter is a book that can be enjoyed at any age. Do not let him go!...
    Autor: Alastair Reid (escocés)
    Writer: Alastair Reid (Scottish) Illustrator: Fernando Krahn Uncle Timothy’s visit changes the life of his little nephew when he arrives one day, unannounced, and carrying a big surprise: a huge box from which he withdraws m...
    Autor: María José Chible V.
    Autora: María José Chible V. Ilustradora: Roser Matas Las aventuras del perrito Noé continúan mientras él hace nuevos amigos y conoce interesantes historias. ¡Acompáñalo en esta oportunidad a conocer a Manque, el cóndor! Noé sale de paseo en auto por prime...
    Autor: Silvana Salerno (brasilera)
    Author compiler: Silvana Salerno (brazilian) Illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit Careful selection of five stories picked from the oral storytelling tradition of Brazil, and including beautiful illustrations of areas of that cou...
    Autor: Paulina Jara Straussmann
    Autora: Paulina Jara Straussmann Ilustradora: Fran Bustamante Una cabellera aburrida en un salón de belleza decide aventurarse al mundo. Esta cabellera, ahora andante, va resolviendo lo qie se le presenta en su camino, tanto en beneficio de los seres human...
    Autor: Isabel Dedoscruzados
    Writer and illustrator: Isabel Dedoscruzados Chilote foxes, all relatives of Ñuru, live mainly on the large island of Chiloé and the Nahuelbuta National Park, in temperate rain forests. Charles Darwin met him in 1835 south of Quellon, ...
    Autor: María José Chible V. y Francisca Aspe
    author: Maria Jose Chible V. and Francisca Aspe illustrator: Roser Matas Puppy Noah's adventures continue as he makes new friends and learns interesting stories. Join him in this opportunity to learn the story of the kitten Ofelina, a feline member of her ...
    Autor: María Isabel García
    Writer: María Isabel García  Illustrator: Pablo Véliz Storybook focused on the theme of fears "the boogymen", boys and girls live with and how to control them. In a story full of emotions, the author manages in a simp...
    Autor: Alejandra Stevenson
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
    Showing 1 - 28 of 28 results
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