Desde los 9 años

    Autor: Sofía Sanfuentes del Río
    Writter and illustrator: Sofía Sanfuentes del Río An illustrated book featuring mongrel dogs of the Chilean streets, highlighting their presence and personality, with humor and realism. Without a doubt, these mutts are&nb...
    Autor: Macarena Roca Leiva
    Writer: Macarena Roca Leiva Illustrator: Pamela Martínez Rod Inspiring book that reveals the ancestral traditions of the Mapuche people through the figure of Domitila Cuyul, Master of Peace of the Williche, according to UNESCO an intangible cultura...
    Autor: Luz Philippi
    Writer and Illustrator: Luz Philippi The wonders of nature from the viewpoint of a simple seed. How does life start from a seed? How does such a tiny thing contain such an incredible plot? An informative book that invites us to&nb...
    Autor: Héctor Monsalve V.
    Author: Hector Monsalve V.illustrator: Isa Soler Elisa discovers the silence and begins an adventure in which she will try to capture it, eat it, get closer. In its pages he learns the importance of pausing and discovering how to find this new companion. C...
    Writer: Verónica Díaz-Muniz Illustrator: Gianfranco Giordano     Mr. Canelita is sent by a scientific group on a very important aquatica mission: to explore the behavior of the coconut crab and the hammerhead shark. In...
    Autor: Charles Perrault (francés)
    Writer: Charles Perrault (french) Illustrator: Dani Scharf (uruguayan)   A classic story edited using modern codes of reading and graphic. We use the original version of the text and the moral teaching of Charles Perrault, in counterbala...
    Autor: Soledad Ugarte
    Writer: Soledad Ugarte Illustrator: Virginia Donoso Book with images (illustrations and drawings) for children and young people about the history of the emblematic places of the capital of Chile that reveals itself as a place full of stories, corners and ...
    Autor: María Paz Salas
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
    Autor: Varios Autores
    Autor: Varios AutoresIlustrador: Juan Ignacio Astorga ¡EXTRA, EXTRA! ¡Por fin los científicos saieron de sus laboratorios! Escritores y estudiantes de la Universidad Aldolfo Ibáñez en un acto de creatividad y entretención, reailzaron estos maravillosos cue...
    Autor: Juan Manuel Díaz (uruguayo)
    Illustrator: Juan Manuel Díaz (uruguayan) Incredible picture book, with no text, whose images tell the story of a silent and lonely young sailor who is embarking on a journey and carrying a precious cargo. During this journ...
    Autor: Sebastián Infanta
    Autor: Sebastián Infanta Ilustradora: Paula Bustamante   Desde el desierto ardiente hasta el frío bosque lluvioso, Ailén la mariposa blanca ateviesa montañas, volcanes y prados en busca del color ausente en sus alas. En este viaje conocemos paisajes y flor...
    Autor: Macarena Roca
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
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