Nature and Animals
Autor: Sebastián Robert
Author: Sebastian Robertillustrator: Alexis Vivallo
In the depth of the sea, a small coral watches as the fish swim and the crabs walk without understanding why he is different. A story that invites you to talk with boys and girls from their first years of...
Autor: María Paz Salas
Writer and illustrator: María Paz Salas
Someone small and fragile appeared in my garden. I want to keep it but father and mother taught me that it is nature where it belongs. A delicate and kind conversation that ponders about relations and affecti...
Autor: Isabel Dedoscruzados
Writer and illustrator: Isabel Dedoscruzados
Chilote foxes, all relatives of Ñuru, live mainly on the large island of Chiloé and the Nahuelbuta National Park, in temperate rain forests.
Charles Darwin met him in 1835 south of Quellon, ...
Autor: María José Chible
Writer: María José Chible
Illustrator: Roser Matas
Noah is a dog who, like many, has adventures and experiences worth telling. However, the most significant one is that he was abandoned as a puppy and how he found his adoptiv...
Autor: Sofía Sanfuentes del Río
Writter and illustrator: Sofía Sanfuentes del Río
An illustrated book featuring mongrel dogs of the Chilean streets, highlighting their presence and personality, with humor and realism. Without a doubt, these mutts are&nb...
Autor: Karina Macadar
Writer: Karina Macadar
Illustrator: Alex Vivallo
This is the story of a very special parrot that does not like to repeat after you, like other parrots do. He faces multiple problems in school and at the doctor’...
Autor: María Fernanda Piderit
Writer: María Fernanda Piderit
Illustrator: Paz Piderit
The Girl is the most beloved kitten in the port city. One evening watching the sea she has a dream. Do you want to go along to fulfill it?
Book boardbook, 12,5 x 12,5 cms., cardb...
Autor: Carolina Guerrero
Writer: Carolina Guerrero
Illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit
This collection, aimed at first readers and based on a successful Danish methodology, consists of six series of 5 books each. They have an easy structure and language, with ...
Autor: Ana Jaramillo (colombiana)
Writer: Ana Jaramillo (colombian)
Illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit
This story is an invitation to look at our natural environment through the prism of the seasons. Biodiversity is our friend and this poetic story shows us how...
Autor: Luz Philippi
Writer and Illustrator: Luz Philippi
The wonders of nature from the viewpoint of a simple seed. How does life start from a seed? How does such a tiny thing contain such an incredible plot? An informative book that invites us to&nb...
Autor: Adriana Ramírez (colombiana)
Writer: Adriana Ramírez (colombian)
Illustrator: Oscar Galindo (colombian)
Although sometimes we feel alone or distrust the others, friends are great life partner. You have to learn to ask for help or receive it when offered. Because the road is be...
Autor: Fernanda Arrau
Compiler: Fernanda Arrau
Illustrator: Virginia Donoso
An anthology of children’s poetry about animals, divided according to their characteristics. The authors take on the challenge of exploring children's literature, giving u...
Writer: Verónica Díaz-Muniz
Illustrator: Gianfranco Giordano
Mr. Canelita is sent by a scientific group on a very important aquatica mission: to explore the behavior of the coconut crab and the hammerhead shark. In...
Autor: Paz Errázuriz
Author and Photographer: Paz Errázuriz
Inspiring photo-book of the National Plastic Arts Awardee, the renowned photographer Paz Errázuriz, who reveals the everyday life of a house from the perspective of a hen, called Amalia, full of pe...
Autor: Paulina Jara Straussmann
Autora: Paulina Jara Straussmann
Ilustrador: Fabián Rivas
Los saberes ancestrales son parte de nuestro acervo cultural, sobre todo los relacionados con las curaciones mediante lo que la naturaleza nos entrega: las plantas. En tiempos en que la prevención e...
Autor: Diego Urrejola
Autor: Diego Urrejola
Ilustradora: Daniela Vergara
¿Sabías que en Chile existen marsupiales? ¿Sabías que estas especies están en peligro de existinción, ya que son altamente vulnerables a los cambios en su hábitat que produce la intervención humana y el ca...
Autor: Carla Infanta y Cristián Prado
author: Alejandra Stevenson illustrator: Francesca Mencarini
Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
Autor: Catalina Donoso
author: Alejandra Stevenson illustrator: Francesca Mencarini
Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
Autor: María José Chible V.
Autora: María José Chible V. Ilustradora: Roser Matas
Las aventuras del perrito Noé continúan mientras él hace nuevos amigos y conoce interesantes historias. ¡Acompáñalo en esta oportunidad a conocer a Manque, el cóndor!
Noé sale de paseo en auto por prime...
Autor: María José Chible V. y Francisca Aspe
author: Maria Jose Chible V. and Francisca Aspe illustrator: Roser Matas
Puppy Noah's adventures continue as he makes new friends and learns interesting stories. Join him in this opportunity to learn the story of the kitten Ofelina, a feline member of her ...
Autor: Sofía Andrade
author: Alejandra Stevenson illustrator: Francesca Mencarini
Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
Autor: Isabel Dedoscruzados
Writer and illustrator: Isabel Dedoscruzados
Chilote foxes, all relatives of Ñuru, live mainly on the large island of Chiloé and the Nahuelbuta National Park, in temperate rain forests.
Charles Darwin met him in 1835 south of Quellon, ...
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