Great Themes for Conversation
Autor: María Isabel García
authorMaria Isabel Garcia illustrator: Maria Ignacia de la Carrera
Siblings are a family gift as they will accompany us throughout our lives. That is why the role played by fathers, mothers and caregivers in generating a strong, affectionate and facilitati...
Autor: Héctor Monsalve V.
Author: Hector Monsalve V.illustrator: Isa Soler
Elisa discovers the silence and begins an adventure in which she will try to capture it, eat it, get closer. In its pages he learns the importance of pausing and discovering how to find this new companion.
Autor: Sturton, Margaret
Writer and illustrator: Sturton, Margaret
Herbert loves foxes and he made a pair of fake ears to look like them. But his Mom doesn't understand why he can't just be a good rabbit. A book that encourages us to live peacefully and respectfully with ...
Autor: Carla Infanta Gabor
Text and illustrations: Carla Infanta Gabor
Living the loss of a loved one is a profound experience.that creates a void that is sometimes difficult to fill.My grandmother is no longer it is a light of hope for those who have lost a loved one, it is a delic...
Autor: Lilus Kikus
Writer: Elena Poniatowska (mexican)
Illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit
This magnificent youth novel by Elena Poniatowska tells the story of the transition from childhood to adulthood of Lilus Kikus, a girl who keeps asking questions ans searching ...
Autor: Paula Bossio
Writer and illustrator: Paula Bossio
Our lives are paths marked with traces intertwined through time, of surprising companions, of laughter but also of absences. Once Upon a Time Maybe, invites us to embrace the encounters, but also to understand the loss...
Autor: Charles Perrault (francés)
Writer: Charles Perrault (french)
Illustrator: Dani Scharf (uruguayan)
A classic story edited using modern codes of reading and graphic.
We use the original version of the text and the moral teaching of Charles Perrault, in counterbala...
Autor: Varios Autores
Autor: Varios AutoresIlustrador: Juan Ignacio Astorga
¡EXTRA, EXTRA! ¡Por fin los científicos saieron de sus laboratorios! Escritores y estudiantes de la Universidad Aldolfo Ibáñez en un acto de creatividad y entretención, reailzaron estos maravillosos cue...
Autor: Juan Manuel Díaz (uruguayo)
Illustrator: Juan Manuel Díaz (uruguayan)
Incredible picture book, with no text, whose images tell the story of a silent and lonely young sailor who is embarking on a journey and carrying a precious cargo. During this journ...
Autor: Alastair Reid (escocés)
Writer: Alastair Reid (Scottish)
Illustrator: Fernando Krahn
Uncle Timothy’s visit changes the life of his little nephew when he arrives one day, unannounced, and carrying a big surprise: a huge box from which he withdraws m...
Autor: Pablo Möller
Autor: Pablo Möller
Ilustradora: Rocío Dalmau
El amor esa mano extendida que nos invita a cruzar hasta la otra orilla. Un hermoso relato sobre el primer amor, ese que nos marca para siempre por su pureza, sencillez e intensidad.
Tapa dura
Formato 25,5 ...
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