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    Autor: María Isabel García
    authorMaria Isabel Garcia illustrator: Maria Ignacia de la Carrera Siblings are a family gift as they will accompany us throughout our lives. That is why the role played by fathers, mothers and caregivers in generating a strong, affectionate and facilitati...
    Autor: Sebastián Robert
    Author: Sebastian Robertillustrator: Alexis Vivallo In the depth of the sea, a small coral watches as the fish swim and the crabs walk without understanding why he is different. A story that invites you to talk with boys and girls from their first years of...
    Autor: Thierry Robberecht (belga)
    Writer: Thierry Robberecht (belgian) Illustrator: Estelle Meens   A lie is not important when it is small, thought Lucas, as he blamed his sister for something he had done. However, that “little lie” became an enormous w...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: María de la Luz Marqués R. y Fabiola Molina H.
    Writers: María de la Luz Marqués R. y Fabiola Molina H. Illustrators: Isabel Zambelli M. Chacham! Are micro-stories that contribute to the emotional learning of children in early childhood, a necessary exercise to achieve self-regulatio...
    Autor: Paula Bossio
    Writer and illustrator: Paula Bossio Es desconcertante cuando te das cuenta de que algo es extraño en cada uno de los que te rodean; en la calle, en la escuela y en el parque... A menudo te preguntas por qué son tan raras las personas, ...
    Autor: Karina Macadar
    Writer: Karina Macadar Illustrator: Alex Vivallo   This is the story of a very special parrot that does not like to repeat after you, like other parrots do. He faces multiple problems in school and at the doctor’...
    Autor: Luz Philippi
    Writer and Illustrator: Luz Philippi The wonders of nature from the viewpoint of a simple seed. How does life start from a seed? How does such a tiny thing contain such an incredible plot? An informative book that invites us to&nb...
    Autor: Ana Jaramillo (colombiana)
    Writer: Ana Jaramillo (colombian) Illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit This story is an invitation to look at our natural environment through the prism of the seasons. Biodiversity is our friend and this poetic story shows us how...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: Mariana Ramírez
    Writer: Mariana Ramírez Illustrator: Maritza Piña This is the story of Pete, a simple, peaceful man who every day tries to “row against the current” and be happy with his life. The villagers are surprised by h...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
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