Chacham! Micro stories
Autor: María de la Luz Marqués R. y Fabiola Molina H.
- SKU: 9789569847660
- Type: Libro tapa dura
Writers: María de la Luz Marqués R. y Fabiola Molina H.
Illustrators: Isabel Zambelli M.Chacham! Are micro-stories that contribute to the emotional learning of children in early childhood, a necessary exercise to achieve self-regulation.
Hardcover children's book, 28,5 x 18 cms., opaque couché 170 grs., 24 pages, hotmelt.
Whenever something magical happened, Agustín's parents said:Chachaaam!And without any explanation, the lost car, the yummy jello,
or those sopaipillas with butterscotch, appeared out of nowhere.
One day, when Agustín was in the bathroom, his pants down, he called them in and pointing to the potty said: Chachaaam!(story Chacham) -