
    Autor: Sebastián Infanta
    Autor: Sebastián Infanta Ilustradora: Paula Bustamante   Desde el desierto ardiente hasta el frío bosque lluvioso, Ailén la mariposa blanca ateviesa montañas, volcanes y prados en busca del color ausente en sus alas. En este viaje conocemos paisajes y flor...
    Autor: Macarena Roca Leiva
    Writer: Macarena Roca Leiva Illustrator: Pamela Martínez Rod Inspiring book that reveals the ancestral traditions of the Mapuche people through the figure of Domitila Cuyul, Master of Peace of the Williche, according to UNESCO an intangible cultura...
    Autor: Fernanda Arrau
    Compiler: Fernanda Arrau Illustrator: Virginia Donoso This book is an invitation to explore the universe and changes in the solar system and in nature through poems that emerge from the collective imagination of national authors of the classical tradition...
    Autor: Enrique Lara
    Writer: Enrique Lara Illustrator:  Luis Fernando García The whispers of the wind are sung by the trees. How many forests do we carry in our eyes? Up and down, here and there, far away; maybe very close. In the vastness of the universe man...
    Autor: Diego Urrejola
    Autor: Diego Urrejola Ilustradora: Daniela Vergara ¿Sabías que en Chile existen marsupiales? ¿Sabías que estas especies están en peligro de existinción, ya que son altamente vulnerables a los cambios en su hábitat que produce la intervención humana y el ca...
    Autor: Fernanda Arrau
    Compiler: Fernanda Arrau Illustrator: Virginia Donoso An anthology of children’s poetry about animals, divided according to their characteristics. The authors take on the challenge of exploring children's literature, giving u...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: Karina Macadar
    Writer: Karina Macadar Illustrator: Alex Vivallo   This is the story of a very special parrot that does not like to repeat after you, like other parrots do. He faces multiple problems in school and at the doctor’...
    Autor: Paulina Jara Straussmann
    Autora: Paulina Jara Straussmann Ilustrador: Fabián Rivas Los saberes ancestrales son parte de nuestro acervo cultural, sobre todo los relacionados con las curaciones mediante lo que la naturaleza nos entrega: las plantas. En tiempos en que la prevención e...
    Autor: Silvana Salerno (brasilera)
    Author compiler: Silvana Salerno (brazilian) Illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit Careful selection of five stories picked from the oral storytelling tradition of Brazil, and including beautiful illustrations of areas of that cou...
    Autor: Soledad Ugarte
    Writer: Soledad Ugarte Illustrator: Virginia Donoso Book with images (illustrations and drawings) for children and young people about the history of the emblematic places of the capital of Chile that reveals itself as a place full of stories, corners and ...
    Autor: Luz Philippi
    Writer and Illustrator: Luz Philippi The wonders of nature from the viewpoint of a simple seed. How does life start from a seed? How does such a tiny thing contain such an incredible plot? An informative book that invites us to&nb...
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