General Catalog

    Autor: Sebastián Robert
    Author: Sebastian Robertillustrator: Alexis Vivallo In the depth of the sea, a small coral watches as the fish swim and the crabs walk without understanding why he is different. A story that invites you to talk with boys and girls from their first years of...
    Autor: María Isabel García
    Writer: María Isabel García  Illustrator: Pablo Véliz Storybook focused on the theme of fears "the boogymen", boys and girls live with and how to control them. In a story full of emotions, the author manages in a simp...
    Autor: María Paz Salas
    Writer and illustrator: María Paz Salas Someone small and fragile appeared in my garden. I want to keep it but father and mother taught me that it is nature where it belongs. A delicate and kind conversation that ponders about relations and affecti...
    Autor: María José Chible
    Writer: María José Chible Illustrator: Roser Matas  Noah is a dog who, like many, has adventures and experiences worth telling. However, the most significant one is that he was abandoned as a puppy and how he found his adoptiv...
    Autor: Paula Bossio
    Writer and illustrator: Paula Bossio Es desconcertante cuando te das cuenta de que algo es extraño en cada uno de los que te rodean; en la calle, en la escuela y en el parque... A menudo te preguntas por qué son tan raras las personas, ...
    Autor: Vesna Sekulovic
    Writer: Vesna Sekulovic Illustrator: Francesca Massai An emotional story that approaches disability from the perspective of a girl who tells of adventures with her brother Alejandro and his wheelchair. A metaphorical world that invites...
    Autor: Macarena Roca Leiva
    Writer: Macarena Roca Leiva Illustrator: Pamela Martínez Rod Inspiring book that reveals the ancestral traditions of the Mapuche people through the figure of Domitila Cuyul, Master of Peace of the Williche, according to UNESCO an intangible cultura...
    Autor: María Fernanda Piderit
    Writer: María Fernanda Piderit Illustrator: Paz Piderit The Girl is the most beloved kitten in the port city. One evening watching the sea she has a dream. Do you want to go along to fulfill it? Book boardbook, 12,5 x 12,5 cms., cardb...
    Autor: Héctor Monsalve V.
    Author: Hector Monsalve V.illustrator: Isa Soler Elisa discovers the silence and begins an adventure in which she will try to capture it, eat it, get closer. In its pages he learns the importance of pausing and discovering how to find this new companion. C...
    Autor: Sturton, Margaret
    Writer and illustrator: Sturton, Margaret Herbert loves foxes and he made a pair of fake ears to look like them. But his Mom doesn't understand why he can't just be a good rabbit. A book that encourages us to live peacefully and respectfully with ...
    Autor: Ana Jaramillo (colombiana)
    Writer: Ana Jaramillo (colombian) Illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit This story is an invitation to look at our natural environment through the prism of the seasons. Biodiversity is our friend and this poetic story shows us how...
    Autor: Carla Infanta Gabor
    Text and illustrations: Carla Infanta Gabor Living the loss of a loved one is a profound experience.that creates a void that is sometimes difficult to fill.My grandmother is no longer it is a light of hope for those who have lost a loved one, it is a delic...
    Writer: Verónica Díaz-Muniz Illustrator: Gianfranco Giordano     Mr. Canelita is sent by a scientific group on a very important aquatica mission: to explore the behavior of the coconut crab and the hammerhead shark. In...
    Autor: Teo Sastre (español)
    Writer: Teo Sastre (Spanish) Illustrator: Soledad Sebastián Poetic story that, under the pictogram methodology, allows mediators to promote the sensation of reading in children who learn to speak, also promoting attachment and shared reading. A ver...
    Autor: Paula Bossio
    Writer and illustrator: Paula Bossio Our lives are paths marked with traces intertwined through time, of surprising companions, of laughter but also of absences. Once Upon a Time Maybe, invites us to embrace the encounters, but also to understand the loss...
    Autor: Charles Perrault (francés)
    Writer: Charles Perrault (french) Illustrator: Dani Scharf (uruguayan)   A classic story edited using modern codes of reading and graphic. We use the original version of the text and the moral teaching of Charles Perrault, in counterbala...
    Autor: Paz Errázuriz
    Author and Photographer: Paz Errázuriz Inspiring photo-book of the National Plastic Arts Awardee, the renowned photographer Paz Errázuriz, who reveals the everyday life of a house from the perspective of a hen, called Amalia, full of pe...
    Autor: Paula Frankël (argentina)
    Writer and illustrator: Paula Frankël (Argentina) Maruca likes to do things her way but sometimes that gets her in trouble!   Below we invite you to download the audiobook for free! Children's book, hardcover, de 16 x 16 ...
    Autor: María Fernanda Piderit
    Writer and illustrator: María Fernanda Piderit Tender tale about a shadow that loses its child and how it invites us to play to find it. Shadows will be an aesthetic trick to discover new shapes and contours.  Rustic cover children's book...
    Autor: Varios Autores
    Autor: Varios AutoresIlustrador: Juan Ignacio Astorga ¡EXTRA, EXTRA! ¡Por fin los científicos saieron de sus laboratorios! Escritores y estudiantes de la Universidad Aldolfo Ibáñez en un acto de creatividad y entretención, reailzaron estos maravillosos cue...
    Autor: María de la Luz Uribe
    Writer: María de la Luz Uribe Illustrator: Fernando Krahn Tic and Tac have prepared for a trip, they have taken all the precautions just in case something unexpected happens. With the easy narrative style of Maria de la Luz Uribe, an...
    Autor: Carla Infanta y Cristián Prado
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
    Autor: Paula Fränkel
    Author and illustrator: Paula Fränkel Maruca has discovered some strange and suspicious green balls in her soup.This time Maruca does not want to eat and seeks again to challenge the adults, to resistand ask. A story to read and share at mealtime. Characte...
    Autor: Alastair Reid (escocés)
    Writer: Alastair Reid (Scottish) Illustrator: Fernando Krahn Uncle Timothy’s visit changes the life of his little nephew when he arrives one day, unannounced, and carrying a big surprise: a huge box from which he withdraws m...
    Autor: María José Chible V.
    Autora: María José Chible V. Ilustradora: Roser Matas Las aventuras del perrito Noé continúan mientras él hace nuevos amigos y conoce interesantes historias. ¡Acompáñalo en esta oportunidad a conocer a Manque, el cóndor! Noé sale de paseo en auto por prime...
    Autor: Pablo Möller
    Autor: Pablo Möller Ilustradora: Rocío Dalmau   El amor esa mano extendida que nos invita a cruzar hasta la otra orilla. Un hermoso relato sobre el primer amor, ese que nos marca para siempre por su pureza, sencillez e intensidad.   Tapa dura Formato 25,5 ...
    Autor: María José Chible V. y Francisca Aspe
    author: Maria Jose Chible V. and Francisca Aspe illustrator: Roser Matas Puppy Noah's adventures continue as he makes new friends and learns interesting stories. Join him in this opportunity to learn the story of the kitten Ofelina, a feline member of her ...
    Autor: Sebastián Infanta
    Autor: Sebastián Infanta Ilustradora: Paula Bustamante   Desde el desierto ardiente hasta el frío bosque lluvioso, Ailén la mariposa blanca ateviesa montañas, volcanes y prados en busca del color ausente en sus alas. En este viaje conocemos paisajes y flor...
    Autor: Alejandra Stevenson
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
    Autor: María Isabel García
    Writer: María Isabel García  Illustrator: Pablo Véliz Storybook focused on the theme of fears "the boogymen", boys and girls live with and how to control them. In a story full of emotions, the author manages in a simp...
    Showing 1 - 30 of 30 results
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