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    Autor: María Isabel García
    authorMaria Isabel Garcia illustrator: Maria Ignacia de la Carrera Siblings are a family gift as they will accompany us throughout our lives. That is why the role played by fathers, mothers and caregivers in generating a strong, affectionate and facilitati...
    Autor: Thierry Robberecht (belga)
    Writer: Thierry Robberecht (belgian) Illustrator: Estelle Meens   A lie is not important when it is small, thought Lucas, as he blamed his sister for something he had done. However, that “little lie” became an enormous w...
    Autor: Isabel Dedoscruzados
    Writer and illustrator: Isabel Dedoscruzados Chilote foxes, all relatives of Ñuru, live mainly on the large island of Chiloé and the Nahuelbuta National Park, in temperate rain forests. Charles Darwin met him in 1835 south of Quellon, ...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: Beda
    Writer and illustrator: Beda Sally is a little frog wholikes to jump, swim, and dance... but when night falls, she doesn't like the dark! A sweet tale to talk to boys and girls about their fears and how to deal with them. Book boardbook, 12,5 x 12,5 ...
    Innovative proposal inspired by the successful English (Oxford Reading Tree) and Danish (Fidus) methodology to initiate boys and girls to reading, on the basis that not all of them have the same preferences, skills and learning speeds. The plan is based on...
    Autor: Isabel Dedoscruzados
    Writer and illustrator: Isabel Dedoscruzados Chilote foxes, all relatives of Ñuru, live mainly on the large island of Chiloé and the Nahuelbuta National Park, in temperate rain forests. Charles Darwin met him in 1835 south of Quellon, ...
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