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Autor: María José Chible
Writer: María José Chible
Illustrator: Roser Matas
Noah is a dog who, like many, has adventures and experiences worth telling. However, the most significant one is that he was abandoned as a puppy and how he found his adoptiv...
Autor: María José Chible V.
Autora: María José Chible V. Ilustradora: Roser Matas
Las aventuras del perrito Noé continúan mientras él hace nuevos amigos y conoce interesantes historias. ¡Acompáñalo en esta oportunidad a conocer a Manque, el cóndor!
Noé sale de paseo en auto por prime...
Autor: María José Chible V. y Francisca Aspe
author: Maria Jose Chible V. and Francisca Aspe illustrator: Roser Matas
Puppy Noah's adventures continue as he makes new friends and learns interesting stories. Join him in this opportunity to learn the story of the kitten Ofelina, a feline member of her ...
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