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    Autor: Marcela Abarzúa
    Writer: Marcela Abarzúa Illustrator: Valentina Muñoz New Birdie is an opportunity to reflect on prejudices that we sometimes have about a person who is different. In a simple, accessible way, this book  addresses con...
    Autor: Vesna Sekulovic
    Writer: Vesna Sekulovic Illustrator: Francesca Massai An emotional story that approaches disability from the perspective of a girl who tells of adventures with her brother Alejandro and his wheelchair. A metaphorical world that invites...
    Autor: Alejandra Stevenson
    author: Alejandra Stevensonillustrator: Team Grasshopper Translator: Jonas Bazile Parts of the body, vegetables, fruits, animals and others make up this book that brings together concepts by categories, to facilitate the acquisition of the language in Span...
    Autor: María Isabel García
    Writer: María Isabel García  Illustrator: Pablo Véliz Storybook focused on the theme of fears "the boogymen", boys and girls live with and how to control them. In a story full of emotions, the author manages in a simp...
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