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    Autor: Alejandra Stevenson
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
    Autor: Catalina Donoso
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
    Autor: Andrés Kalawski
    Autor: Andrés KalawskiIlustradora: Jimena Sierralta Incertidumbre, ambivalencia, deseo, odio, incomodidad, culpa, amor, identidad, vulnerabilidad, ímpetu. Crecer es difícil. Estar en el mundo, a veces, también lo es. No todo es color de rosa, no siempre, y...
    Autor: Sofía Andrade
    author: Alejandra Stevenson  illustrator: Francesca Mencarini Absenting is an alphabet of emotions for children (and sometimes for adults) to learn to name, distinguish and express them. Awareness of the diversity of emotions will allow you to strengthen y...
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