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    Autor: Eduardo Guerrero del Río
    Writer: Eduardo Guerrero del Río Illustrator: Maritza Piña Beautiful poetry book inspired on the figure of a little baby boy who discovers the wonders of the sea and the earth through a simple harmony of verses. To be read as a lullaby or as...
    Autor: María Paz Salas
    Writer and illustrator: María Paz Salas Someone small and fragile appeared in my garden. I want to keep it but father and mother taught me that it is nature where it belongs. A delicate and kind conversation that ponders about relations and affecti...
    Autor: Teo Sastre (español)
    Writer: Teo Sastre (Spanish) Illustrator: Soledad Sebastián Poetic story that, under the pictogram methodology, allows mediators to promote the sensation of reading in children who learn to speak, also promoting attachment and shared reading. A ver...
    Autor: Alastair Reid (escocés)
    Writer: Alastair Reid (Scottish) Illustrator: Fernando Krahn Uncle Timothy’s visit changes the life of his little nephew when he arrives one day, unannounced, and carrying a big surprise: a huge box from which he withdraws m...
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